
Showing posts from May, 2021 ‘s Redaction: Redact Confidential or Sensitive Information from a PDF

  In the information age, online and offline businesses thrive on data. Be it collected through physical or online forms, cookies and other such technologies, the information thus collected helps businesses gain insights that can help them improve services, customize communication, enhance product design and improve service delivery. While customers do benefit from such personalization, there is also growing concern about the privacy and security of the data thus collected. Not just customers, even employees and other stakeholder information needs to be protected from prying eyes to prevent its being misused. Here the Text redaction solutions comes into the play. This has led governments and international bodies to introduce stringent laws such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect data privacy and regulate the nature and manner in which information is collected, stored and used. Noncompliance can lead to fines and lawsuits, affecting revenues and brand reputation. W